Chocolate and Nuts Marbled Cake

Slices of chocolate and nuts marbled cake on a wooden board

Chocolate and Nuts Marbled Cake Recipe


150g caster sugar

3 free range eggs

150g melted unsalted butter (plus 5g cold butter for greasing)

1 pinch salt

150g plain flour (plus extra for dusting)

1/2 tsp baking powder

2 tbsp cocoa powder

2 tbsp chopped nuts (I chose a mix of hazelnuts and almonds)

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC (160ºC fan).

Grease a loaf tin with the 5g cold butter, dust with plain flour and tap the excess out.

2. In a large baking bowl, mix the eggs and sugar together with a whisk until it is light and fluffy. Add the melted butter and pinch of salt and mix well.

While still whisking, pour the flour and baking powder in progressively until you get a smooth batter.

Pour half of the batter in a separate bowl.

3. Add the cocoa powder and chopped nuts to one batter and mix well.

Add the vanilla extract to the other and mix well.

4. Alternate spoonfuls of vanilla batter with chocolate batter in the loaf tin: make a layer of vanilla batter then one of chocolate batter then swirl delicately with a tablespoon, fork or a skewer. Repeat once more (here is my instagram version of it for an idea).

5. Place the tin on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 30 to 35 minutes (I use an electric oven, time might vary with a different oven). Insert a skewer in the centre of the cake and it should come out clean when the cake is cooked. Transfer the cake out of its tin onto a wire rack and let it cool down completely before serving.

I eat it as is with a cup of tea or coffee, or something cold and refreshing during the warmer months. A bit of melted dark chocolate on top is not bad either for some extra dessert indulgence.

Bon appétit!

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