Pear and Smoked Scamorza Pizza

Pear and smoked scamorza pizza on a pink marble backdrop

Pear and Smoked Scamorza Pizza Recipe (Vegetarian)

Ingredients (for a medium-size pizza)

Approximately 250-300g pizza dough (I used 1/6 of this recipe and froze the rest in individual bags for future pizza making)

1 pear (sliced)

100g smoked scamorza (sliced)

2 teaspoons olive oil

chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

1. Preheat the oven to 240°C (220°C fan).

If your pizza dough was in the fridge, take it out 45 minutes before rolling out.

On a large floured surface, roll out your pizza dough into a 0.5cm thick circle. Transfer onto a floured baking sheet (or a lightly oiled and floured piece of aluminium foil on a baking tray). Let it rest for 15 minutes before cooking.

2. Brush the dough with the olive oil. Top with the smoked scamorza and pear slices. Put the pizza in the oven and bake for 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.

Sprinkle a bit of chopped parsley on the pizza before serving.

Bon appétit!

Pear and smoked scamorza pizza on a pink marble backdrop
Pizza dough ball with a pear and some sliced smoked scamorza cheese

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