Pear, Vanilla and Mint Iced Green Tea

Pear and Vanilla Syrup Recipe (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Vegan)

Ingredients (make about 80ml)

The poaching liquid from this recipe for poached pears.


Keep the liquid in its saucepan and put over a low to medium heat. Stir every now and then and reduce the liquid until it is approximately 20% of its original volume. Discard the vanilla bean and pour the syrup into a small jug. It will keep for a week covered in the fridge.

Serve cold with water (I would usually use 1 litre for that content), soda water or with iced tea such as the recipe below. It would be a great addition to a cocktail too.

Pear, Vanilla and Mint Iced Green Tea Recipe (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Vegan)

Ingredients (make about 1L - 6 glasses)

1 litre cold water (filtered preferably)

10 green tea bags (about 20g if you are using loose green tea leaves)

1 handful of mint leaves (plus extra for serving)

80ml pear and vanilla syrup (see recipe above)

Optional: thin slices of pear to serve

1. Combine the cold water, green tea bags and mint leaves in a large jug. Cover and put in the fridge for 12 hours (I prepare this the day before I am planning to serve it).

2. When the cold brew iced tea is ready, discard the teabags and mint leaves. If you decided to use loose green tea leaves, transfer the iced tea to another jug through a fine mesh strainer (or even better: via a coffee filter).

3. Add in the pear and vanilla syrup and stir well. Serve in tall glasses with ice cubes, a few small mint leaves and thin slices of pear (optional).

Ice cubes made in canelé moulds

Fruit and Vegetable Calendar: June


Pears Belle Hélène with Tonka Chocolate Sauce